Sunday, June 22, 2014

My Recent Reads

     I'm excited to share my first post about recent books I have read and/or am reading! It has been a crazy busy summer already and I haven't had as much time as I was hoping for to tackle my TBR pile. I've been working pretty much full time doing landscaping and lawn care at the nursing home where my husband is administrator, and then spend most nights at baseball games. Most of my reading has been done in the car, in between innings at games (have gotten some dirty looks from fans/other parents for that!), and while waiting for the washing machine in the middle of the night. Thinking about the books I've read and am reading has kept me company during those long days working outside (still trying to figure out the best way to listen to audio books)!
    With all that said...
 My Recent Reads

Picture Books

The title He Came with the Couch says it all! This book was originally recommended to me by my small rural public library ladies and is always great for a reread. I find myself laughing more each time I read it! I'm waiting for a sequel...

I was so excited to find this at my public library! (Have I said my public library rocks?) I'm a huge Jarrett Krosoczka fan and have missed out on some of his picture books. My students got some good chuckles out of this, especially the "zinger" at the end!

Middle Grade

I got started reading this series with one of my 3rd graders at the end of the school year and ended up finishing this summer. Every day he would come back with, "Mrs. S., what page are you on?" or "I'm starting book 3, which one are you on?" I loved every one of those book conversations! I think this series has it all - adventure, suspense, and great humor! I hope there will be more in the future...

Firegirl is so heart hurt as I read it. It really made me think about how we treat others and that all important lesson "Be Kind." I think it would be a great companion to Wonder.

A Snicker of Magic definitely lived up to all the rave reviews! (Sometimes I worry I won't enjoy a book as much as others...) I loved the quirky characters and how their lives were interwoven. Truly a magical read!


This book snagged me from the very beginning! It has an intriguing (and one of my favorite) setting, NOLA, and is a typical Karen Robards thriller. I keep thinking I know where the plot is going, but then I'm not so sure the next minute, so I'm anxious to keep reading. Crawfish po boy, anyone?


I think Todd Whitaker is so inspirational! After a very challenging school year (most difficult in 25 years), I got my set of books back out. His ideas are practical and positive, and he has a great sense of humor. He is my "go to" guy when I need a dose of positivity after dealing with difficult colleagues in my high generational poverty school district. 

Until next time...Happy Reading!

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